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Big Wave
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Pinging blues and greys, popping red bubbles, and a cacophony of reactions. Direct your attention to the byte-sized content you have yet to consume. You need to tweet your think piece about the horrendous state of the world - but first, here is another ad you cannot refuse.

House Sketch

The walls are closing in on the edges of your waking hours. Echoes bounce off of walls and your plastic faceshield. Get up, work, eat, shit, sleep. Give in to the myth that not much has changed. Consider how you have always been disassociated.

Giant Octopus

While you sleep - Malacañang airs its ramblings at a godless hour. Men with guns and fatigues steal away mothers and babies before the sun rose. At noon, they keep fingers heavy on the trigger. Deep in the night: corpse-like body; manic eyelids. You dream of burning paper tigers.

(c) VALS, 2021 

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